Saturday, January 12, 2008

Published in
Australian Creative Magazine
jun.jul.06 issue

Every year, Trampoline embarks on a
quest to discover the next generation
of talented Australian photographers.
Here’s a selection of this year’s finalists,
who were part of this year’s ‘Projections
2006’ exhibition and screening*.
* Entries to ‘Projections 2007’ are now open.
For entry details, see
alfonso calero
Amidst the chaos there’s always calm,
and Tokyo is a perfect example.
“Japan is like one big Disneyland,
especially Tokyo, where I lived. Even
though the city is full of concrete, I
found a way to see the beauty in such a
busy place,” says Alfonso Calero, who
has been working as a commercial
photographer for around three years.
Calero searches for empty spaces
within cluttered cities, and has a good
eye for colour, spotting splashes of
primary colours in unexpected places.
“A Japanese artist once said, ‘Art is an
explosion’. In my case it’s an explosion of
colour, shape, rhythm and texture.
Wherever I go, I see these things,” says
Calero, who is passionate about
minimalist Japanese Edo art – a style he
tries to mimic in his photography.
Aged 40, Calero graduated from the
Sydney Institute of Technology in 2001.

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